One of my favorite things to do each year is decorate for Christmas. This year proved to be challenging with the babies, so I planned on doing less. The problem is I still needed to take down all the decorations, in order to figure out what less meant. After unloading several boxes from the attic, I was sore. (How sad is that? I must start exercising again soon. Oh wait who has time to exercise with all this holiday eating) I decided every room did not need decorating, the stairs really didn’t need garland, and we only needed 1 Christmas tree. My sweetie built me this cool box to make my tree look taller last year and rebuilt it for me this year so it would fit in the attic. He finished the box, put up the tree and found his favorite chair to watch us decorate.
Gameboy was so sweet this year. He really enjoyed looking at all the ornaments. His favorites are the name ornaments and hung them all together on one branch he called the family zone.
Princess did not like the cluttered looked and tried to rearrange them several times, but Gameboy convinced her that the family zone was here to stay. We stayed up way too late working on the tree, singing Christmas carols, and drinking hot chocolate. I am happy with the final product and smile every time I see it.
Merry Christmas!
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