Wow! What a month. You both have doubled in size since birth. You have grown so much and are really noticing the world. I love to watch you interact with each other and “talk”. You love to play with your toys and try to grab things. Sydney you play so hard so often end up like this.
or this
Sarah you don’t want to miss anything. This is the look you give me at naptime.
Mom, there is too much going on for me to sleep. You got your first colds :( and started teething too. The doctor was so happy with your progress and recommended you add cereal to your diet. You didn’t like waiting an hour and a half to see the doc, but were so thankful Mimi was there to help. You got the same rounds of shots, as your 2 month visit, and ran a fever for a couple of days. Here are your stats.
Weight 11 lbs 1 oz 6%
Height 23 inches 10%
You wear a size 1 diaper and 0-3 month clothes.
Weight 10 lbs 1%
Height 22 inches 1%
Head Circumference 15 1/8 4%
You wear a size 1 diaper and some newborn and 0-3 month clothes.
You both bring JOY to our family and we love you.
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