We are overjoyed to announce the baptism of both Princess and Gameboy. Princess asked Jesus into to her heart a few years ago, but has been nervous about baptism. She started asking God to show her more about it and decided it was time for everyone to know about her decision to follow Jesus. It has been really neat to watch her grow in her faith. Gameboy has recently prayed to receive Christ and wanted to be baptized immediately. We encouraged him to take the pre-baptism class and meet with our pastor. It was neat to watch him explain his relationship with Christ to others. When talking with our pastor he compared reading his Bible to a super vegetable!
Here they are dressed and ready to go.
Pastor Darren with the Princess.
We were so blessed to celebrate with family.
Your love for Jesus Christ
Shines through in all you do
For there are many that will see
The hope of Christ in you
We thank the Lord for you
For bringing you to this place
To be baptized in His precious name
And to walk on in His grace.
© By M.S.Lowndes