Monday, November 30, 2009

Look mom, no training wheels!

This weekend Gameboy decided he did not need his training wheels any more.  IMG_1807

Daddy thought he would start by raising his training wheels so he could work on his balance.  IMG_1809IMG_1810








A couple of times around the cul-de-sac, Gameboy told us he did not want the wheels adjusted… he wanted them off.  He did a great job riding and only had a few falls.  Way to go Gameboy.  Princess is so proud of you.IMG_1812

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful day enjoying good food, football and family. It was great to spend time with Uncle Chad, Grammy, Papa D, Mimi and Papa. Everyone brought a dish and we had enough food to feed Northwest Houston. The meal was so delicious and it was nice to relax with family.

Here’s a list of what Princess is thankful for this year.


Thank you God for all our blessings!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy 2 month Birthday!

One doctor visit, two babies, 8 shots, being peed on, pooped on, and spit up on. I am thankful for two healthy babies, but I need a shower and a nap!! Here are a few pictures along with their latest stats.

Sarah BethIMG_1821

Weight 9lbs 9%

Height 21 inches 6%

Head Circumference 14 3/4 16%

Sydney AnneIMG_1842

Weight 8lbs 1 1/2 ounces 2%

Height 20 1/2 inches 2%

Head Circumference 14 1/4 2%

IMG_1824 IMG_1841 IMG_1846 IMG_1852 IMG_1870

Look how well I can hold my head up.


Happy 2 months Sarah and Sydney! We love you.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Having twins is so much fun, but I must say it is hard… harder than imagined.  People often ask.  Are you sleeping?  No.  Are they on the same schedule?  No, but I like having alone time with them too. What happens when they both cry?  I play rock paper scissors to see who to help first.  Who is the easier baby?  Depends on the day, but lucky for me they have not been fussy at the same time very often.  How long do they sleep? I can often get a 4 to 5 hour stretch of sleep at night.  Are you breast feeding?  Yes and no.  The girls get 50% formula/breast milk.  When I am able to feed them at the same time, I feel like the baby whisperer.  Not sure how much longer I will breast feed them, but I am taking it one day at a time.  I spend a good portion of my day holding these sweet babies and my house is a wreck!!  I just keep reminding myself how fast this sweet time goes.  Last night was one of those difficult nights.  It seemed like someone was crying all night and I spent most of the night in the recliner or up and down trying to soothe a baby.  Both girls can roll from their tummy to their back.  Last night, Sydney rolled on top of Sarah and luckily Sarah did not wake up.  It was too funny.  I wish I would have snapped a picture.  It was priceless!  I was so exhausted this morning, but I woke up to these sweet smiles and it was all worth it.  IMG_1784 (3)


So here’s to a good nights sleep.  Maybe tonight is the night.  Sleep well little ones.IMG_1756

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Babies Nursery

I had so much fun decorating the twins room!   I spent lots of time on the internet trying to get ideas and I love how it turned out.IMG_1753 My mom is an amazing seamstress and she worked so hard making all the bedding (X2) and curtains for the girls room.   Baby room6I loved shopping with her for the fabric and trying to figure out how much we needed.  It was a complicated math problem.IMG_1748Princess and Papa D painted the room for me and I love the color.  It is so soothing when you walk in the room.  A friend from church painted their names above their beds.  She is a talented lady and did a great job.

Papa Swan made their changing table.  It is so cute in the room and very sturdy.Baby room8

Baby room4

Baby room1 IMG_1742


Here’s a few pictures from the bathroom.babies room bath Baby room2 Baby room3

I am so thankful to my mom for her countless hours of work!!!  I love the room and I know the girls will love it for years to come.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween fun

Our Halloween was jam packed this year and the kids wouldn’t have it any other way. Gameboy and Princess woke up ready to dress in costume and I convinced them to at least wait until lunch. IMG_1730

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After we were all dressed up, we headed to our church Fall Festival. There were lots of inflatables, games, a dunking booth, and my kids favorite the cake walk. I sat with the babies who were sleeping in their stroller and enjoyed too much kettle corn and funnel cake. Then we drove to my parents house to go to their neighborhood’s Trunk or Treat. Trunk or Treat is a fun night of extreme trick or treating. Gameboy and Princess got so much candy that I can’t stop eating!! After the big events, we had a nice late dinner with my parents. I loved visiting them and it was great to have extra help with the babies.

I didn’t get any pictures of the babies on Halloween in their precious tiger costumes (they had 2 costumes this year), but I did take some at the pumpkin patch. We were too late to get a pumpkin this year so we decorated Halloween cookies instead. Here are a few pictures from our fun family night.





Sarah Beth


Sydney AnneIMG_1722

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